Thursday, 11 June 2015


In this session we looked at deportment. Deportment means the way you hold yourself as a character. We looked at various techniques to achieve  Our character's style of walk, talk and how they sit. Helena and Alison were brought up in a posh boarding school were they were taught how to behave properly. This included lessons such as walking with a book on their heads.

After this we focused on how a lady would sit. We discussed that they would not slouch and would always keep their knees together as they would usually be wearing skirts.

Women would also be told to hold their head up as a sense of confidence and pride as well as being lady like.

With my character Helena, i would show all these postures within my performance as this is what Helena would have been taught in school. I will practice this in rehearsals to ensure that i am comfortable sitting and standing like this.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good post which shows not only what you learned in practical sessions, but the additional research that you did for your character's physicality.
